Sunday, September 20, 2009


So, Adam starts a new job on Monday, so I thought that we should do something fun over the weekend. We decided to go to the zoo! It was Lacey's first trip to the zoo and I have never heard her "talk" so much. She made noise the whole time. Lacey loves being outside and enjoying the trees. She loves trees! I hope to take her to the zoo many times, so she can learn to love animals as much as I do. I cannot believe that she is almost 5 months old. Time flies by so fast. She is starting to change almost everyday. I just looked at some pictures of her from a month ago and she already looks like a different baby. Being a mother is the best gift in the world and I thank Heavenly father each day to have Lacey in my life. Here are some zoo pictures of her.
Lacey and Anthony at the Zoo!

1 comment:

Stubbs Love said...

just looking at all these pictures you cant help but smile! Im glad you guys had such a great family time!