Friday, September 13, 2013

Nathan is One!

We can hardly believe our lil guy just turned one! He is such a happy guy. He loves to dance, loves playing catch with daddy, loves balls in general, pretty much eats everything and is a great toddler. Oh my.... he is not a baby anymore. We couldn't be happier with our little man!

Mourn with those that Mourn.....

So yesterday was one of those bittersweet days we all have at times. I received a text message from one of my best friends that her father passed away. I was so sad for her loss and was just flooded with emotions and memories of him. He was such a great guy and always made me laugh growing up. I also found out another one of my best friend's grandfather is very ill and probably not going to make it much longer. I cannot help but have a heavy heart for my dear friends at this tough time.

Yesterday my family also celebrated by dad's 57th birthday with a family dinner. I am grateful that I was able to celebrate that milestone with my dad and my family. It was great fun, but I couldn't help but continue to think of my friends and what they were going through. I couldn't help but mourn with my friend as she mourns for her father. As I was driving into work this AM, I was listening to Hillary Weeks (great LDS singer) and I looked to my right and saw the temple glowing on the foggy hill. I was instantly comforted by the Spirit. I know that my family can be together forever. I am comforted by the knowledge that Families ARE Forever and that no matter what, my Heavenly Father will always be there for me.

Now, neither of my friends share my religious views, but I want them to know that their loved ones are or will not be gone from them forever. There is great joy in knowing that we can see those we have lost again. We have a kind and loving Heavenly Father who comforts us and knows what we are going through. I have a great testimony that this life here on earth is just a blink in time as compared to the eternity we have to spend with those we love.

So, to my friends who are having a rough time...I love you! I will keep you all in my prayers.

I love my eternal family.

Families are Forever!