Monday, September 21, 2009

Through My Daughter's Eyes

Through my Daughter’s Eyes
by Shawna Brown

The world must look so large to her
Yet she looks so small to me
Each day is full of learning
Just from what she can see

With each new life experience
There comes a sense of joy
Her hands, her feet, her blankets
Everything’s a new toy

She expresses her love to me
Without the ability to say it so
Her smile tells me she is happy
Each day my love for her grows

I cannot express in words
How it feels to be her mother
Each coo, each cry, each squeak
Is an experience, like no other

I only want the best for her
For all her dreams to come true
I want her to feel how much I support her
In everything she chooses to do

Being a mother to this angel
Is a gift beyond compare
She brings so much joy to my life
A new happiness to which I was unaware

Through my daughter’s eyes
I am more than just her mother
I am her lifeline, I am her voice
My pride in her is like no other


Stubbs Love said...

I likey! Such a sweet message!

Merilee said...

What an amazing poem! You express my feelings of motherhood so perfectly. You are truly a gifted poet.:)