Friday, February 5, 2010


My girl has gotten "SO BIG!" Even she knows it!

Since my last post, so many things have happened. Here are a few:

1. Lacey said her first of many words. It was "dada". She says soooo many words now.

2. Lacey turned 8 months old.

3. She celebrated her first Christmas.

4. Celebrated her first New Years.

5. Got her first teeth. (you can see them in this pic)

6. Rolls all over the floor (no crawling yet) She's under a chair.
7. Turned 9 Months


Jamie said...

She is such a pretty baby! The pictures are great, but I want to see her in person! Joe and I keep joking Ty's first word will be "kitty." lol

Stubbs Love said...

beautiful! Just beautiful! She is looking more and more grown up!

Merilee said...

Good to have you back Shawna! Lacey is so adorable! I love the pic of her with the teddy bear.:)